Group Fitness Testimonials


Quotation markYOU VS YOU PROJECT – Let us show you just what you can achieve by being consistent with your nutrition and training.⠀ ⠀ Lou took this challenge on and followed it 100% and her body responded straight away. Within the first 6 weeks Lou became super lean and her fitness level sky rocketed. We reworked her macros/increased her calories so she could continue to keep the muscle she had gained and not loose anymore. Although Lou was compliant her body did lose some of the muscle gained in the following 6 weeks. So what do we do now - we have again increased her calories – good news is she is eating up over 2000 calories a day - who doesn’t love more food hey and ensuring her protein intake is higher than most. We will continue to slowly add on until we find what is right for her. Lou is a runner so as well as her training schedule we always need to ensure we are fuelling her body correctly. In Lou’s words:- “I was really hesitant about the challenge…but I knew I needed a supportive team to guide me & provide the information I needed. I executed it to a T!. I wasn’t going to mess around in my first true attempt at change… I just can’t believe how well my body has responded! I feel great- energy and health wise- I haven’t felt this awesome! And definitely haven’t been this lean before! I am grateful for the support and guidance from the Coaching Team, but have found so much love & encouragement from the Fit Family. My goal was to be the healthiest I can be to live as long as I can and I can definitely say – I’m well on that path and super happy. Thank you x "
Carol Mattar before and after picture capturing our her weight loss
Renee Whittaker

Renee Whittaker

Introducing Renee

– the winner of our most recent 6 Week #BACKINACTION Challenge. We are super proud and so happy for Renee who gave her absolute all to this challenge and it really shows, not only achieving great results for herself but encouraging others all the way along too – a true team player:). Renee followed our nutritionist meal plan 100% and has come away with not only weight loss but best results for visceral fat reduction, best fat mass loss and best body fat percentage change, boom! Hard work and consistency always pays off and getting your nutrition correct always gets the results:). What Renee had to say:- “Joining the Fit Station and participating in the 6 week challenge has been one of the best decisions I have made recently. Throughout the challenge (actually every day), I’ve had so much support from Kelly and all the Coaches. They all play a part in the longer journey and I’m now learning this is a lifestyle change. Like most, my excuses for not exercising was ‘having no time’ or ‘feeling selfish to put myself first’. Completing the 6 week challenge has provided me clarity. Now by finding time to put myself first, I’ve noticed the positive impact it has on my family, myself and those around me. Success from completing the 6 week challenge comes in many ways. For myself, I’m sharing all my results and rewards from the challenge (not just the numbers).


Lost 6.2 kgs, decreased visceral fat by 3 levels, lost 6.6% body fat and have decreased cm’s in all segments. The true rewards for me are outside of these results. A big thank you to everyone (our big fit fam) for supporting each other throughout the challenge. I’m so happy to have tried something new.

  • I physically feel stronger and fitter.
  • My confidence in being active and making healthier choices is rubbing off on my children. They are making some great choices!
  • My mind is clear. I feel more productive and organised.
  • I’m proud of myself! I’ve challenged myself and succeeded in so many ways. My journey continues...


Quotation mark Fail to prepare, is preparing to fail. This is the definition of me. Texting Kelly the night before the challenge started, asking if it was too late to join. I was not prepared at all. None the less, I am now 6.5 months postpartum, 20kgs lighter and a whole lot fitter and stronger because I decided to commit! I can’t wait to see the cm difference! So, let’s talk honesty for a minute. Because progress is still progress at the end of the day.

So my journey, I really struggle with meal prep and meal planning. I’m a foodie and am quite possibly addicted to caramilk hockey pokey. Story for another time! I cooked about 60% of the meals, some of them on repeat cause they were that good.I put 100% into my training, making it to class every chance I could and for me, achieving a minimum of one additional resistance program a week was a huge goal to achieve. And I am now in such a routine that the resistance programs will continue to be a part of my weekly plan. The last 12 weeks has allowed me to achieve what took me 9months to achieve after my first child. And for this I am so grateful. Upon reflection, could I have eaten better and followed the meal plan better, hell yes. But knowing that just fuels me to strive to be better in these areas. Advice for those coming to the end of the 12 weeks and continuing for the next 6 - don’t let this lockdown be a reason you don’t feel successful, make it the reason you outdo yourself! Set smart goals, celebrate the little wins and keep going!

Carol Mattar before and after picture capturing our her weight loss
Glenn Borg before and after picture capturing our his weight loss


Introducing Kendra

After taking on our You Vs You Project the progress keeps coming along and has seen Kendra focussing more on her resistance training program. One of the stand out moments for Kendra was the following:- “I have my sister's wedding in October and had two bridesmaid dress options. Before this project, one of the dresses didn't zip up and sat awkwardly on me, so I felt I already knew I was going to wear my other option. 2 months later and it zips up! I'm excited to see how it goes in another 3 months time.” With a loss of 8.5kgs and 67.5cms in just 12 weeks this lovely lady is going from strength to strength and we can’t wait to see what the rest of the challenge brings you. 

Rebecca Phillips

Quotation mark This is a picture of me exactly 12 months ago-22kg heavier!!! I know your always saying take photos of before and after-and I’m so glad I did! I hope these photos can give some inspiration to others!
Once again I want to say a massive thank you for being a huge part of my journey, without you, the team this would not have been achievable for me, being able to bring the kids and having all the support along the way is definitely what has continually motivated me to make this amazing transformation.
Your’re the best Kel
Luv Bec xx
Rebecca Phillips before and after picture capturing our her weight loss
Glenn Borg before and after picture capturing our his weight loss

Glenn Borg

Glenn lost a whopping 10kilos in 6 weeks following our training and eating plan, along with a massive 6.5% body fat reduction, visceral fat levels dropping into the healthy range along with a metabolic age of 27!
Glenn has kindly let us share his pics and I couldn't be prouder well done my friend.

Carol Mattar

Quotation mark“My biggest challenge has never been about eating healthy but instead it was eating enough food to keep my body fuelled. I can still hear Kelly telling me "you're not eating more lol". I always struggled with the mindset that to loose weight you need to eat less and always focussed on the number on the scale. Since being on You Vs You I have learnt that you need to throw out the scales and trust the process. I have found that I am stronger and healthier than I have been in a very long time. I recently had a wedding to attend and I wore a dress without spandex, for the first time ever! I still have a long way to get to my ultimate goal, but I am feeling comfortable and confident in my skin. This is just the beginning for this space."
Carol Mattar before and after picture capturing our her weight loss
Glenn Borg before and after picture capturing our his weight loss

Quotation mark I’m so glad that I joined the You vs You challenge.
Working from home for 12+ months my daily movement had decreased, diet was poor and motivation low. A friend suggested that I join the challenge with her to keep each other accountable and I thought why not? I was nervous and didn’t expect to last very long but I learnt very quickly that this challenge wasn’t about starving yourself or following an unrealistic plan. The meals are clean, quick, hearty and family friendly. The strength program is challenging and a focus on self care and mindset ensures we are focusing on improving all aspects of ourselves, not just weight. There have been treats - celebrations, dinners out and the odd drink but consistently working towards my goals has seen results. It’s been really great to have this to focus on especially during the two lockdowns we’ve had during the challenge. At the start 12 weeks seemed daunting but it went so quickly and I’m so grateful that the challenge has been extended.⠀


Quotation mark This lovely lady has been training with us for a few months now and jumped into our You Vs You project with some fantastic results not just figure wise either, this project has had a real focus on mindset and making sure you do things for YOU. Now 3.8kgs down this is what Susan had to say:- “I have loved being a part of Fit Station, I came in not wanting to make friends just concentrating on exercise that was it. In the 6 or so months I’ve been there I have made some great friends and the support I have received mainly from the coaches has been phenomenal. I believe so much more in my abilities around the strong women you employ pushing me.
Carol Mattar before and after picture capturing our her weight loss

Personal Training Testimonial

Quotation markBesides Group Fitness here at The Station we run a number of Personal Training sessions whether that be one on one or a small group. Looking for the right PT and one with experience and knowledge can be tough but we employ only the best. Here is what one of our clients had to say about our coach Sarah. “Looking for a PT is really scary and intimidating so when I found Sarah I struck absolute gold. She just gets her clients, she has a wealth of knowledge in her field and every session with her I leave feeling confident in my training and technique. She is an outstanding coach and I can’t thank her enough.” Pictured below 6 week progress shot. You can book Sarah through our website at

Glenn Borg before and after picture capturing our his weight loss

Natty J

Quotation markBeen training here over a year now. I’m a big HIIT fan, and The Fit Station offers an extensive range of HIIT workouts to your pleasure or pain. It’s a family friendly and fun environment, the members and trainers are very supportive. You will definitely get results and hit your goals, in addition it creates new friendships. Kelly Dennis the owner has done an awesome job, and she’s such a lovely trainer. I’m 100% happy that I’ve joined as a member. Their memberships are flexible and not expensive. For me working out here isn’t a chore, it’s fun and addictive!

Cholee S

Quotation markSuch a great environment to train in. Always positive vibes and everyone is so kind and supportive. Kelly and all of the trainers are amazing! so caring and helpful and of course make you work your butt off! Would definitely recommend this place to anyone looking to be apart of a close knit team which is more like a family then a group of gym members.

Vanessa N

Quotation markI have known Kelly for years and she was always asking me to join her sessions.  My answer was always the same, “I prefer to work out on my own.”

When I heard that Kel was opening a fitness facility, I went along to the launch day, purely to support a friend.  Well, I was hooked from the minute I walked in!  The vibe was fun and the sense of community strong.  People seemed friendly and happy here, and unlike most regular gyms, I felt welcome.  From that day I decided I wanted to be a part of that, I wanted that in my life!

I bought a pack of 10 passes but almost immediately joined as an unlimited member and have not looked back!  The classes and challenges only scratch the surface for reasons I love it there!    The guidance, support, fun and mischief and the many beautiful friendships I have formed! I didn’t even realise this was missing from my life but I am so glad I found it!!!

I am so grateful to Kel, the Factory and all of the beautiful members for changing my life!

Melanie R

Quotation markTrained at the factory until I was 36 weeks pregnant! Was well looked after by all the coaches and given alternatives to exercises. Currently 5 weeks into a 6 week break post baby and cannot wait to get back!! Kelly and team you are amazing!

Samantha P

Quotation markLove getting my HIIT on with Kelly - nothing else feels as rewarding as a workout at The FIT Station

Anna W

Quotation markOne of the best decisions I made was to join The Fit Station. I'm normally one to give up pretty easily but not this time. Am absolutely loving it! Every morning I take the kids and we go and smash out a class! It's hard work but it's worth it! Kelly and the other trainers are absolutely amazing and so supportive , my kids absolutely love going and I get 30-45 mins to myself to focus all on me (something mums don't always get) but here you can! Plus everyone there is so supportive and amazing it's really awesome to be apart of it all!